Friday, February 10, 2006

what a bother

Everything is PISSING ME OFF right now. Damn it. I want this fricking homework to be done, and I don't see any purpose in writing up two and a half pages (single-spaced, mind you) on what characteristics these babies are expressing in these certain stages of development. Stupid babies.

I didn't get the NCC position. Something about me being too old for the position, I think. (When was 19 too old for anything?? I can't even drink, and I'm considered too old. Strange, you think? Me too.) Or the fact that I had my arms crossed in the interview. (Well? I was kind of nervous!! It was better that I do that than having my leg spasm from my jitteriness.) Whatever. If they don't want me, they can't have me.

And I'm seriously not that upset, it's just a bad combination of circumstances. It usually works that way. Everything goes fine for a long time, and then all of a sudden, a whole bunch of crap happens within the span of a day. Maybe it's just lack of hormones right now. We'll blame it on that, I guess.

Time for bed. I'm actually going to go to sleep at a decent hour. But that's only because I'm giving up on this homework and just promising myself that I'll do it before 10am class tomorrow. Night, all.

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