Thursday, February 16, 2006

time to do laundry

Don't you hate coming back from the shower just to find out that not only are you almost out of underwear, but the only socks you have in the drawer are those ugly knee-highs? Yeah, it's one of those days. It wouldn't be so bad if doing laundry didn't cost so dang much. I could combine the towels and the dark clothes, but then the dark clothes get all linty. And if I put the towels in with the whites, then my clothes come out in a weird greenish blue tint. So, three loads it is.

Enough of that nonsense. Valentine's Day was Valentine's Day... I enjoyed it, but I kind of wish that we could celebrate it on more than just one overemphasized day. Something about getting flowers on a day besides V-day or one's birthday... that would be nice. I mean, umm, that wasn't supposed to be a hint. :) I now have excessive amounts of chocolate, which means me = getting pudgy unless friends(chocolate) = gone. So, feel free, PLEASE take some. Otherwise things could get ugly. Like my socks.

Okay, off to do laundry. Hasta martes, cuando yo volvera al concierto de Coldplay en Omaha!!

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