Wednesday, February 22, 2006

barfy surprises

Life is normal again, somewhat. The Coldplay concert was excellent, but that was to be expected. Getting to know April's parents and brother was also very awesome. Forgetting to take along medicine, however... not so cool. And then starting meds again and having my body react by throwing up everything in my stomach... blehhhh... Done with that.

Today's been a catch-up day in too many ways, and there's still more to do. I have mega work in Spanish to catch up on, about four chapters in my Honors book to read, and then I need to start making sense of everything that's gone on in the last two weeks in Organic. And, of course, the thrice-weekly DPsych workbook assignments that take 1 1/2 to 2 hours to do.

On that note... I guess I have a lot to do. Maybe there'll be time for fun this weekend.

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