Sunday, February 26, 2006

evaluation time

Okay, time to figure out if I can handle all this shiz-nit.

Here's what I want for next year:

- Keep up in my classes:
Fall semester
College Physics I (4 credits)
Linear Algebra (3 credits)
Genetics + Genetics Review (5 credits?)
Physiology (4 credits)
Spring semester
College Physics II (4 credits)
Biochemistry (3 credits)
Histology + Lab (4 credits)
Honors Thesis Prospectus (1 credit)
Spanish Medical Terminology?
MCAT Review course

- Be Honors Program Student Organization President

- Be J/F Hall President

- Get my black belt by the end of next school year, plan a mini tournament for our club, do some other fun stuff... and not screw up the finances :)

I "get" to talk to the wonderful and oh-so-personable Mrs. Ruit on Tuesday, where she'll proceed to tell me that I need to get more patient contact experience, that I have to get a perfect score on the MCAT, and all the other things that she's told me a million times before. Maybe there'll be something more. Can I do it all? I guess that's why I'm going to talk to her. I'd rather get some input from you guys, though.

My Spanish paper is almost done, which takes a load off my mind. I think the worst part of a Spanish paper is just getting it started. After that, sure, it takes time, it's not easy, but at least I've got direction by then.

And now, time to do a little quimico organico. Or Organic Chemistry, for you non-Spanish speaking peeps. Hasta luego, muchachos.

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