Thursday, February 24, 2005

i don't know how to take this one...

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

So, I guess this is where I'm destined to end up. Just kidding. Anyways, here's a quick update on my life:
- I guess I'm now the president of the APO pledge class, since no one was volunteering. I hope it's not going to be too much work. Oh yeah, and apparently the first social event is BYOB (bring your own beer) so... well, you get the idea. I'm going to Purgatory anyways ;) (But no, that doesn't mean I'm going to drink. That would be stupid. And I could get arrested for it. And beer tastes bad.)
- Tonight is "How Well Do You Know Your Roommate?" game night, so April and I get to rock out with our awesome knowledge of each other. Totally sweet.
- Both the Honors Formal and the Karate belt test is coming up in a week... yikes!
- And the day before all that, I have a Biology test. (Necessary random interjection: BIOLOGY LABS SUCK! I do not want to draw one more stinking amoeba or mushroom gill!! Freaking A!) Okay, now I'm better.
- April's birthday is also the Wednesday of that week, so I need to figure out a fantastic birthday present. There's little chance that I can beat out Amanda's awesome present to Martha last year (she hung up her bras all over their room and on top of Martha, still sleeping in bed). But, you know, what can you do.

Matt didn't show up for his mentor meeting with me today, so this is why I have a lovely hour to spend wasting time in the Union computer lab. PLUS, I have pretty much everything else taken care of for this week... I went grocery shopping this morning, so I have a new supply of Tootie Fruities, string cheese, and cinnamon apple sauce awaiting my return in my room... and I cashed my paycheck (an incredible $34 for a whole month! golly gee!) and karate monies (this is the power I get as the financial officer of the UND American Okinawan Karate Club... sweet.)... AND the room is so amazingly clean, it's scary. I better get to work making it normal again. Lunch first, though.

Oh yes, pray for me from 4-7 tonight, please... I have Chem lab. :(

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

applications galore

We have entered the busy season of job applications, scholarship deadlines, and spring break plans. Or lack of spring break plans. You choose. But in this chaotic time, I have had the opportunity to dine with wonderful people who can keep me grounded. This evening's dinner was a prime example of that. We were sitting with some people who had just come from mass at the Newman Center, and the topic of conversation drifted to the origin of man, and who was really at fault for Original Sin. However, what really got my attention is when we started talking about purity. For instance, in the beginning, Adam and Eve had no idea they were naked. When Adam looked at his new wife, all he saw was a wonderful proclamation of God's love. He had no lust for Eve. In the same way, Eve's only thoughts toward Adam were those of the purest love. One person at our table contended that in the same way, we must lose this fascination with lust, with drawing out the "sexiness" in ourselves to please our husbands/wives. I sat and thought about this. So, every time that we submit to seeing our partner for the attractiveness he/she represents, we resist seeing the Godly love within them. How can we truly love one another when we focus on the physical aspect? Anyways, this is something that is on my mind, and will most likely continue to be for awhile now.

Other things on my mind... Well, I put in my application for a summer job today. SMURF, here I come! And I took a Bio quiz online... I missed one question because of pure stupidity. Oh well.

Time for karate! Love, me

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

... whew

You probably do not understand the mental relief I am experiencing at this very moment. Wednesday, I've decided, is definitely the day which my academic week leads up to. But enough complaining from me.

There are a number of things I'm currently contemplating for next year.

-- vice president for HPSO (Honors Program Student Organization)
-- being a part of the Honors Committee
-- active member in APO (Alpha Phi Omega, a service fraternity)... that's if I make it through initiation ;)
-- being in NRHH (National Residence Hall Honorary
-- remaining a wing rep for J3, treasurer of the UND American Okinawan Karate Club, and Emerging Leader
-- joining HOT (Hall Orientation Team) to help people move in next fall
-- running for Residence Hall Senator (there are currently 2 people running for 3 positions... only question is, how much of a commitment it is)
-- active member in NSCS (National Society of Collegiate Scholars)
-- actually making it to the Undergrad Med Association meetings
-- getting a job with Altru or a research position at the med school
-- becoming more active in College Republicans (don't make that face, Mom ;) )

Now you may have more of an idea what's been fleeting through my mind the last week and a half. Anyways, more update later, time for breakfast!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i truly apologize

I am eternally sorry for the sorrow I have created in others' lives by not updating my blog in a whole week. But understand me, I do have good reason. Part of the reason why I'm leaving a completely sucky blog right now. But I promise, once I turn my paper in tomorrow at 3, life will be good. And you'll get your freaking update, Jos. :) Bye!

Monday, February 07, 2005

sunday morning drive

I promised an update and, alas, it is here. This week could possibly be a stressful one, as I have a Chemistry test this Wednesday (two chapters, of which I've just started the "suggested problems") and a Calculus test on Thursday... yikes! This wouldn't seem so bad in high school, but when a quarter of your grade rests upon a single test, things are a little different. Moral of the story: I probably should be studying instead of updating my blog right now. Ha. But that's not going to happen. Besides, I've done a fairly sucky job of keeping this up-to-date as of late. Is this because my life is that much more boring than usual? Possibly. Nevertheless, it's not an excuse. On with boring the readers of this petty blog! ;)

So, oh yes. It was indeed an interesting weekend. Mardi Gras Night at the Newman Center! I was seriously expecting Jesus to come in and overturn the tables. Heck, but it was all for charity... so... gambling in church is good by those counts? ;) tee hee... Amanda, April, and I decided we were unquestionably too much of poor college students to go in for the complete $5 charge for all that gambling... so, we bought drinks for 50 cents instead and played Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition. And I made a $1 donation towards their cause. So therefore I'm almost a good person.

Later that night... yes... so, I decided to go out driving with Dan to practice driving his manual drive grandpa truck... However, we were driving in the parking lot of a city park at 2AM, and two cop cars showed up. YIKES! This is the first time that I have ever been pulled over, and guess what I didn't have... yep, you guessed it... my driver's license. To further the horror of the event, the officer had to tell me to step on the brake pedal so I wouldn't keep rolling back into his car. And when he asked me to step outside the truck, it took Dan about 2 full minutes to successfully instruct me how to step on the emergency brake. I spent almost 10 minutes in the back of an unmarked police car as the officer kept trying to look up my name and license on the database. In my opinion, this was definitely not the coolest way to learn how to drive a stick-shift. Stupid manuals.

It really is about time for me to either go to bed or study some Chemistry... but... it looks like I might actually be going to Switzerland this spring break? Yay for Natalie ruining Derrick's plans to go to New Orleans!! Also, April and I have beautifully decorated our room... perhaps I should get a picture of it...


and more lovely! and they're not falling down!! which they tend to do every 2 hours! hee hee...

Oh gosh... as I was uploading the pictures of our new room lighting, I came across the wonderful pictures of our melted-ice-cream delights party. Martha had put boxes of fudge bars and ice cream sandwiches outside in the snow to keep cool for her party, expecting (with good reason) that it would most likely stay below freezing. Out of all the weeks of winter, this happened to be the one with 40 degree temps... needless to say, the low-carb fudge bars did not survive well...

umm... I think this picture is self-explanatory.