So, oh yes. It was indeed an interesting weekend. Mardi Gras Night at the Newman Center! I was seriously expecting Jesus to come in and overturn the tables. Heck, but it was all for charity... so... gambling in church is good by those counts? ;) tee hee... Amanda, April, and I decided we were unquestionably too much of poor college students to go in for the complete $5 charge for all that gambling... so, we bought drinks for 50 cents instead and played Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition. And I made a $1 donation towards their cause. So therefore I'm almost a good person.
Later that night... yes... so, I decided to go out driving with Dan to practice driving his manual drive grandpa truck... However, we were driving in the parking lot of a city park at 2AM, and two cop cars showed up. YIKES! This is the first time that I have ever been pulled over, and guess what I didn't have... yep, you guessed it... my driver's license. To further the horror of the event, the officer had to tell me to step on the brake pedal so I wouldn't keep rolling back into his car. And when he asked me to step outside the truck, it took Dan about 2 full minutes to successfully instruct me how to step on the emergency brake. I spent almost 10 minutes in the back of an unmarked police car as the officer kept trying to look up my name and license on the database. In my opinion, this was definitely not the coolest way to learn how to drive a stick-shift. Stupid manuals.
It really is about time for me to either go to bed or study some Chemistry... but... it looks like I might actually be going to Switzerland this spring break? Yay for Natalie ruining Derrick's plans to go to New Orleans!! Also, April and I have beautifully decorated our room... perhaps I should get a picture of it...


and more lovely! and they're not falling down!! which they tend to do every 2 hours! hee hee...
Oh gosh... as I was uploading the pictures of our new room lighting, I came across the wonderful pictures of our melted-ice-cream delights party. Martha had put boxes of fudge bars and ice cream sandwiches outside in the snow to keep cool for her party, expecting (with good reason) that it would most likely stay below freezing. Out of all the weeks of winter, this happened to be the one with 40 degree temps... needless to say, the low-carb fudge bars did not survive well...

umm... I think this picture is self-explanatory.
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