Monday, February 06, 2006

don't be tricked

The weekend was good, but now I contemplate the studying that I need to do before that test Tuesday.

And, ah, what else is new... I submitted an application for UND Association of Residence Halls NCC, or National Communications Chair. We'll see if I'm good enough for it... I definitely want to do it, at least. You know, I'm so fed up with the people who go around campaigning themselves on the basis of their involvement in numerous organizations. But when you actually look at the organizations they're supposedly "immensely" involved in, you realize, "Wait, I've never even seen them involved in this..." It's so frustrating that we so often accept what is pasted in front of our eyes and forget to look at the underworkings of this world... There are so many people who build our communities, yet the only ones who are recognized are often the ones that deserve the recognition the least.

Just a thought.

I'm tired, so goodnight.

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