I got back my grade for that OChem test I took last Tuesday, and I got a 93%!! You probably don't know how exciting that is for me, but just to give you an idea: the two previous tests I took in the class were 77% and 82%. This will help me out a lot in my quest for a B :) As long as I can keep from failing all of the in-class pop quizzes. That's necessary too.
Last night was more fun than I've had in a long time. Madelyn and I just walked around campus for awhile while Jordan skated circles around us on rollerblades. Then we had a heated game of four-square with some of the Fulton guys until, well, about 1 A.M. or so... :) And THEN... April finally got back from boozing up at the local bars with Dave and Kjerstin (tee hee it's okay, you're legal, April) so we watched Donnie Darko over at Dave's until, like, 4. And I think I remember an hour of it, maybe. I'm still tired, and my arm hurts from playing catch with a dodgeball ;) I know, I'm a wimp...
So, that's what life is like, currently. I hope the rest of the semester will be semi-stressfree, because I was definitely missing the freedom for a good 3 weeks or so.
And... Blogger's picture-upload thinger is finally working again, so... enjoy!

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