Tuesday, May 02, 2006

getting there

I can't wait for this all to be over with...

Seems like everything lately has been tainted by something. I don't know what it is. It's impatience. It's misunderstanding. Guilt, grief, other crap, spite, I don't know. No se. So I repeat myself.

May Day has come and gone with less of a flourish than I hoped... I still have 8 may baskets sitting around my computer. Remember the times when kids ran from neighbor's house to the next delivering baskets, in hopes that they could deliver all of them without getting "caught" by the kids they were delivering to? Man, this was the time of year back in the day... just getting off the sugarhigh of Easter, and then having the chance to get hyped on sweets again just a couple weeks later... It's even better than Halloween, because you know you're going to get good stuff in those baskets, whereas... you know, the lady who always gives out ShockTarts and Tootsie Rolls at Halloween? That definitely doesn't happen ;) Actually, those two aren't so bad. It's the Smarties and the Bottlecaps that get me gagging. Or the homemade-looking multicolored taffy candies that may or may not have razorblades and needles in them.


So, time to catch up on a little more meaningless stuff before this hectic weekend. I'll be home in 11 days, and done with finals in 8!!

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