Tuesday, April 18, 2006

sugar beet goodness

Back to Stinky Town. Mmm mmm mmm...

Oh, it was a short break. I underestimated how serious my grandma's stroke was on Wednesday... we spent all of Saturday and Sunday morning with her in Mankato, saying goodbye... and crying... and seeing family... but more of that to come when she actually passes away, probably. It's funny. I come up here, and it's like I can separate myself from the sorrow, even though it means just as much here... I wish I could be back home right now. It's hard to concentrate on homework when you know that your grandma is slowly slipping away. But it's even worse, because I can't even feel sadness here. I feel like a stupid, emotionless boulder.

This is a dumb post.

Well, Karate Chili Feed far surpassed my expectations. I think we actually made money! And I thought we would end up in the hole... eh, it was a definite possibility... We at least made about 2 tanks-full of gas. :) Now, whose gas tank, that is the question :) Actually, probably 3 tanks for my car, but that's because it only holds about 11 gallons of gas ;)

Okay, time for hw.

Come to the J/F Talent Show this Thursday at 8:30 P.M.!!!

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