On Friday, I found out that I definitely did not understand intersections of 3-D planes enough to bluff my way through our quiz. Oh, well. At least I can accept responsibility for it. On a better note, I found out that the Honors coordinator thinks that I should run for vice-president of HPSO (Honors Program Student Organization) in a couple weeks... which would be TOTALLY SWEET. That means that I would probably be working with Sarah (as she is the potential prez for next year). I think I have a picture of her somewhere around here... we took pictures in prep for our side ponytail fundraiser, and hers was definitely the best, so I put hers on all the posters :) Yay!
I don't know if I explained the fundraiser ... nope, I didn't. Basically, we're collecting a dollar from everyone we know, and by the end of the week, we'll have a bunch of money to give to the American Heart Association in remembrance of the father of a girl who was on J3 last year (he died of heart disease in September). And in thanks for all the donations, we'll be wearing side ponytails on Friday!
So that's basically been my life the past few days. Friday night was pretty exciting ;) We (Amanda, April, and me) decided that we were way too cool to go out, so we stayed inside, did a little homework, and then invited Jeremy Bold over for some intense speed Scrabble scrimmages. Saturday night... was promising to turn out similarly, but then we received an out-of-the-blue call from Dave and Kurt. Finding out that they had nothing to do either, we ended up watching "Shaolin Soccer" (which, imho*, is an awesome movie)and making some brownies :) Oh, and I guess we sat around in the J3 lounge for awhile (as you can see below; wonderfully decorated by April, Amanda and yours truly). Dave looks like he's on drugs, but you must understand that this was about 2AM.

Chillin' in the J3 lounge at around 2 in the morning...
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After a good amount of chill-age, April did a little gaming over at Kurt and Dave's, while I attempted to better master the skill of driving a manual (namely, Dan's little grandpa truck) :) However, that plan was quickly thwarted by vicious security guards who couldn't understand why I would want to learn to drive in such an open place as the Columbia Mall parking lot. Poop heads. Anyways... I guess some other people could use driving lessons, as well... :)

It's amazing what some people can do with their cars.
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You know, you really have to give this person credit for doing whatever he did to get his car like this. This is what Dan and I saw on our way to church this morning. :) Tee hee hee

Look! Here's proof that there are black people in North Dakota! (P.S. Kurt is super cool)
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After church, we proceeded to have a lovely dining experience at Wilke! This is our friend, Kurt. We love Kurt! In fact, the * above signifies that I used one of his "super cool" 1337 terms (imho = in my humble opinion). Perhaps more tutorials will follow.
Anyways, it is time to celebrate the end of Martha's teenage years (yes, she's turning the big 2-0!) But before that happens, April and I have to run out to Wilke to snag some foodies for our fridges, since our single remaining meal pass would go to waste otherwise. Talking about foodies... we made chicken and pasta with a cream sauce yesterday!! Well, I mostly did it, but everyone was helping with cutting the bread, grinding the cheese, making the salad, buying the groceries (THANK YOU, DERRICK!)... All in all, an excellent production. Oh geeze, that makes me hungry. Food!