Tuesday, November 23, 2004

almost free?

I really should be finishing up that extended research paper, but alas, it is indeed time for an update on life in general. Too much to do an accurate job of highlighting everything, but we'll see what 10 minutes allows.

First off... where did I leave you all... oh, yes. I lost my keys. Which I had to spend a whole $60 to replace! Not fun! And of course, just to make sure that my ID card was included in the fun, I lost that, as well. Thankfully I found that one; otherwise I would be down about $67 or so for all the money I have on there. This is what I get for borrowing people's items of clothing... grrr...

What else... oh, last Sunday I went to this tiny little church in Oslo, MN (Lutheran, dontcha know) which was amazingly fun. I had lefse for the first time... and this porridge-y stuff that was awesomely good... And Amanda, Laura, and I read old-timey books about how important it is for the man to be the good, all-powerful leader in the household... tee hee hee...

Countdown to train-station time: exactly 2 days! In two days, I will be loading my stuff onto the train and heading home!! But... in less than 11 hours and 30 minutes, I will need to have at least... 8 pages of nonsense on the war of 1812 for Honors Composition. Blech. Okay, time to get back to work. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

Josiah said...
