Ten minutes until Bio class... what to say... It's FRIDAY! We've discovered that it is also the LAST Friday of classes of the school year, since R&R Day is next Friday, and finals are the next week. So, with that in mind, I will be at home in exactly 2 weeks. Wow... feelings of missing UND and people already... What am I going to do with myself this summer?! Oh yeah, work. And lots of waterskiing!! Most likely I'll have to get started studying OChem as well. What a summer, indeed.
Well, before these 2 weeks blow by... JFS Quad-B-Que is tonight! And... picking out movies for Saturday's Honors Lock-in (which is going to be TOTALLY SWEET). Have to write that Bio lab report. And have to write about 5 more pages for my Brain class final paper. Blech. I ended up getting a really good grade on my presentation, though!! I'm pretty psyched about that.
Oh, sorry, I'm probably too positive with that comment. Don't worry, it's just the Prozac kicking in ;) (Mom and Dad, I guess I'm on Prozac, or at least some people at college here think I am) tee hee
Time for Biology. Apparently Dr. Carmichael gets very excited about golden frogs. Something about them doing the dirty. I don't know what to think. It's probably just April and her dirty mind making up stuff again. Crap. I'm going to be late. Bye!
Friday, April 29, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
gametophytes and placebos
Drrr... time to write papers again. A paper on placebos that I have to somehow make 5 pages longer. And... an 8 page Biology lab report on fern gametophytes. Needless to say, the rain outside perfectly embodies my attitude towards getting started. Yucko.
Chem lab final exam on Thursday. QuadBQ is this Friday. So is the last Calc test. Bike race and HPSO lock-in this Saturday. Birthday in 13 days... :)
Really, what happens when you're 19? I think we should make some restriction on something and only let people older than 18 do it. Then it would make it more celebrated. Heck, look what it did for 21st birthdays. What else happens when you're 21? Exactly. Nothing. You get to drink some alcohol. I never even took advantage of being able to buy nicotine products when I turned 18. Maybe I should celebrate my birthday by buying cigarettes for underage kids. (Yeah, if I ever tried smoking, I'd die automatically. Especially with this bronchitis.) So, what a better way to celebrate the turning of another year than by addicting a bunch of kiddies to nicotine!! Yay!
(Just so you know, I was entirely kidding... for the most part)
I "heart" Zithromax... and Albuterol... and ibuprofen. That's about all I have to say. Oh, and I have a new shirt. It says "Guster" on it, with crazy breakdancing people above the lettering. And now I have a magnetic dress-me Elvis set :) It makes me happy. Elvis currently is wearing a karate gi shirt and blue suede shoes. Nice legs...
I think that deserves a picture...

Check back later for updates to Elvis's outfit...
Chem lab final exam on Thursday. QuadBQ is this Friday. So is the last Calc test. Bike race and HPSO lock-in this Saturday. Birthday in 13 days... :)
Really, what happens when you're 19? I think we should make some restriction on something and only let people older than 18 do it. Then it would make it more celebrated. Heck, look what it did for 21st birthdays. What else happens when you're 21? Exactly. Nothing. You get to drink some alcohol. I never even took advantage of being able to buy nicotine products when I turned 18. Maybe I should celebrate my birthday by buying cigarettes for underage kids. (Yeah, if I ever tried smoking, I'd die automatically. Especially with this bronchitis.) So, what a better way to celebrate the turning of another year than by addicting a bunch of kiddies to nicotine!! Yay!
(Just so you know, I was entirely kidding... for the most part)
I "heart" Zithromax... and Albuterol... and ibuprofen. That's about all I have to say. Oh, and I have a new shirt. It says "Guster" on it, with crazy breakdancing people above the lettering. And now I have a magnetic dress-me Elvis set :) It makes me happy. Elvis currently is wearing a karate gi shirt and blue suede shoes. Nice legs...
I think that deserves a picture...

Check back later for updates to Elvis's outfit...
Saturday, April 23, 2005
guess what!
I have bronchitis! And maybe pneumonia! But... on the other hand... I only got four wrong on my chem test. So as long as I do really well on the next two tests, I should be able to pull off an A.
Time to study :( And cough more.
Time to study :( And cough more.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
like antibiotics and the flu
Sickness is really getting me down, lately. I came down with a fever of 103 on Saturday night, oddly enough only hours after I had come back from sweeping out a huge, unventilated basement in downtown GF that hadn't been cleaned since the flood. So... yeah. Thinking that perhaps mold spores were germinating in my lungs, Katie drove me in to the ER. I'm just glad we didn't take the advice of the Mayo Clinic HelpLine, who said that I should have called 9-1-1 right away. It turned out that I just had gotten the flu. Oh, but trust me, it still sucks mucho. Especially since I have asthma, which reacts with a "haha, I got you now" response to any sickness I happen to get. Fun times, fun times.
It turns out that my sis and I are in similar predicaments. Hopefully I'm not the one who is corrupting her... :)
Let's see... anything else besides the flu and corruption... I did my "Placebo Effect" presentation in class yesterday. That was interesting, considering I could barely talk and my mind was in a billion places. I would have gotten the results of my chem test if I went to class yesterday, but after making the arduous trek to and from Red River High yesterday morning, I was in little condition to make any other physical attempt at motion. I took a nap. And it wasn't even satisfying, due to the fact that I was coughing into my pillow pretty much the whole time.
I know, I know... feel sorry for me, blah blah blah.
What else... oh, yes, for certain individuals who read this and automatically think that I'm talking about you... well... I'm not. So there.
Time for Calculus class. And then maybe a delightful nap after that. Chem lab at 4... where I shall see my wretched test results. (Yeah... NOT looking forward to that... ) And... Relay for Life on Friday! Everyone should do it! Yay, go team!
It turns out that my sis and I are in similar predicaments. Hopefully I'm not the one who is corrupting her... :)
Let's see... anything else besides the flu and corruption... I did my "Placebo Effect" presentation in class yesterday. That was interesting, considering I could barely talk and my mind was in a billion places. I would have gotten the results of my chem test if I went to class yesterday, but after making the arduous trek to and from Red River High yesterday morning, I was in little condition to make any other physical attempt at motion. I took a nap. And it wasn't even satisfying, due to the fact that I was coughing into my pillow pretty much the whole time.
I know, I know... feel sorry for me, blah blah blah.
What else... oh, yes, for certain individuals who read this and automatically think that I'm talking about you... well... I'm not. So there.
Time for Calculus class. And then maybe a delightful nap after that. Chem lab at 4... where I shall see my wretched test results. (Yeah... NOT looking forward to that... ) And... Relay for Life on Friday! Everyone should do it! Yay, go team!
Monday, April 11, 2005
sunshine on a dreary day
What a busy, awesome weekend it was...
April and I started it off excellently on Friday evening by practicing Tiger Crane in the J/F lounge for the talent show :) Of course, one can only handle so many strikes to the forearm in one evening, so we spent a good 2 hours or so working on the intensely impossible borderless goldfish puzzle. I'm sure the people who walked by were wondering what the heck we were doing putting together a jigsaw puzzle on a Friday night... tee hee...
That night I also realized how many lovey-dovey couples there are in Johnstone/Fulton. Gag me. I mean, seriously. Let the guy have some fun and do your laundry alone for once, girls! You're not married, so why are you doing laundry together? Puh-lease.
Saturday... oh, Saturday. Very exciting times, indeed. I woke up early for my now-routine (except for this morning) jog along the Englestad/coulee bike path. [Just a note to all you California-ites out there: it was absolutely beautiful in Grand Forks this weekend! I don't understand why anyone would ever want it to be more than 65 degrees, unless you're going to go swimming. Oh, yeah, I hope the people who are in charge of heating the buildings are reading this. Why does do we need to keep the dorms at 80 degrees throughout the day??] Okay, back from that unneeded digression. After running, I studied for about 4 continuous hours for Biology (test = today). The plan was to study for Chemistry (test = Wednesday), too, but that's incredibly impossible when I have the impression I need to study as much as possible for Biology. If I was in the mood to complain, I would probably say something about how professors are sadists for putting tests for common freshman courses within days of one another. Hey, but I'm not going to be the one to do that ;)
Discovering that, in fact, the downstairs clock was incredibly off, I raced off a little before 4 to the Betty to serve dinner to the Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation or something like that for an APO fundraiser. But instead of the moderately difficult 4 hours we were initially told that it would take, we soon discovered that we would be working a full 6 hours. Forget having fun afterwards, amigos. Well, unless you are willing to sacrific natural processes, like sleep. Upon coming home, I found out that I had missed out on a fantastic viewing of Star Wars I... And also that I had an interesting cell message from the one and only Mr. Saman. So after April and I figured out what we were going to do for the talent show, I went to investigate this call. Who would have known that watching Enemy of the State with two liberals and staying up talking until 7 in the morning would have been so great ;)
Even more amazing is the fact that four hours of sleep managed to get me (mostly) throughout all of Sunday. Okay, so I took a nap for an hour before dinner (pizza, which basically killed my stomach). And I was kind of cranky. Hey, but at least I can pass it off as something else, even if it wasn't. Yay for being a girl!
And now I'm here. Done with my Bio test. Typing an unnecessarily long post. That basically no one will read. But that's okay! Wow, it was a great weekend. Maybe the next few days of tests will take care of this overly-positive/joyful attitude I have. Until then...
April and I started it off excellently on Friday evening by practicing Tiger Crane in the J/F lounge for the talent show :) Of course, one can only handle so many strikes to the forearm in one evening, so we spent a good 2 hours or so working on the intensely impossible borderless goldfish puzzle. I'm sure the people who walked by were wondering what the heck we were doing putting together a jigsaw puzzle on a Friday night... tee hee...
That night I also realized how many lovey-dovey couples there are in Johnstone/Fulton. Gag me. I mean, seriously. Let the guy have some fun and do your laundry alone for once, girls! You're not married, so why are you doing laundry together? Puh-lease.
Saturday... oh, Saturday. Very exciting times, indeed. I woke up early for my now-routine (except for this morning) jog along the Englestad/coulee bike path. [Just a note to all you California-ites out there: it was absolutely beautiful in Grand Forks this weekend! I don't understand why anyone would ever want it to be more than 65 degrees, unless you're going to go swimming. Oh, yeah, I hope the people who are in charge of heating the buildings are reading this. Why does do we need to keep the dorms at 80 degrees throughout the day??] Okay, back from that unneeded digression. After running, I studied for about 4 continuous hours for Biology (test = today). The plan was to study for Chemistry (test = Wednesday), too, but that's incredibly impossible when I have the impression I need to study as much as possible for Biology. If I was in the mood to complain, I would probably say something about how professors are sadists for putting tests for common freshman courses within days of one another. Hey, but I'm not going to be the one to do that ;)
Discovering that, in fact, the downstairs clock was incredibly off, I raced off a little before 4 to the Betty to serve dinner to the Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation or something like that for an APO fundraiser. But instead of the moderately difficult 4 hours we were initially told that it would take, we soon discovered that we would be working a full 6 hours. Forget having fun afterwards, amigos. Well, unless you are willing to sacrific natural processes, like sleep. Upon coming home, I found out that I had missed out on a fantastic viewing of Star Wars I... And also that I had an interesting cell message from the one and only Mr. Saman. So after April and I figured out what we were going to do for the talent show, I went to investigate this call. Who would have known that watching Enemy of the State with two liberals and staying up talking until 7 in the morning would have been so great ;)
Even more amazing is the fact that four hours of sleep managed to get me (mostly) throughout all of Sunday. Okay, so I took a nap for an hour before dinner (pizza, which basically killed my stomach). And I was kind of cranky. Hey, but at least I can pass it off as something else, even if it wasn't. Yay for being a girl!
And now I'm here. Done with my Bio test. Typing an unnecessarily long post. That basically no one will read. But that's okay! Wow, it was a great weekend. Maybe the next few days of tests will take care of this overly-positive/joyful attitude I have. Until then...
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005
new beginnings
Spring. Tis the season at last to begin again. For me, this has been symbolized by my mom's package arriving today with a brand new pair of tweezers. Tweezers are wonderful, magnificent things. Trust me, all you boys who read this. And to have one after trying to live without one for a good 3 weeks is a splendid feeling indeed. Okay, enough with this nonsense.
Realizations have been brought forth, as well. Certain people have been very good at helping me understand the futility of my overdriven attitude. Maybe I just need to relax. Still, some things I haven't come to understand yet. There's no way to really describe it in the context of this blog, however. It's still too much of a weight on my mind to trivialize it to mere writings on a page. More later, perhaps.
I think it's time for summer. Agreed? Agreed.
Realizations have been brought forth, as well. Certain people have been very good at helping me understand the futility of my overdriven attitude. Maybe I just need to relax. Still, some things I haven't come to understand yet. There's no way to really describe it in the context of this blog, however. It's still too much of a weight on my mind to trivialize it to mere writings on a page. More later, perhaps.
I think it's time for summer. Agreed? Agreed.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
waking up
I think this is the earliest that I've been up this entire school year. Yes, ladies and gentlemen... I woke up at 6:30 today. (exhuberant applause ensues) I know, I know... An amazing feat... we'll leave it at that. Nevertheless, I'll probably get crap for even mentioning it. Anyways.
Now that you're all totally lost in my early-morning ramblings of above, I'll leave you with this message: Umm... okay, later. Bye!
Now that you're all totally lost in my early-morning ramblings of above, I'll leave you with this message: Umm... okay, later. Bye!
Saturday, April 02, 2005
for myself
Why do I have to go to events only to realize that no one really cares that I'm there? This is kind of how I felt being at the Student Government banquet. Why have I spent a good six months in an organization where I'm not even recognized for my work? Is there some kind of secret to success that I'm missing, something like partying with them on the weekends or getting accepted into their social elite? Or is there just something I'm missing in the way I am? Am I not "girl enough" for them? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?? I had always thought, when I was younger, that there were no impossibilities in life. Here I am, 18 years of age, yet unhappy. Why should I be nice to everyone when I just end up getting ignored and crapped on in the end? (Figuratively, of course.) Depressing thoughts for a Saturday night.
My cousin got married today. The last one of the Gengler boys. That means that there are... 6 more of us who have still not been married on my dad's side. Cousins Tracey, Angie, Laura, Erica, my sister Steph.... and me. It's strange to think that Laura will probably be getting married before I'm done with medical school. Heck, everyone is probably going to be married by that time. Except for me. Oh well. 7 years is a long time, no matter how you put it. Plus, boys are overrated. Take for example, tonight. I go up to Fulton 3 to say hi to the guys there, and all they do is give me a glance and continue with their video games. Stupid video games. Stupid boys. Waseem actually talked to me for more than a minute, so he gets kudos for that. But then he went off to a frat to drink. So minus 1000 kudos. Back to zero.
I sit here, typing this pathetically lame blog, listening to Guster in hopes that their music can bring me out of this stupidness. I could be studying Chemistry. I could be cleaning my room. I could even be getting a head start on the newsletter for next week.
Not a chance.
Time to read a book. For fun, for once.
My cousin got married today. The last one of the Gengler boys. That means that there are... 6 more of us who have still not been married on my dad's side. Cousins Tracey, Angie, Laura, Erica, my sister Steph.... and me. It's strange to think that Laura will probably be getting married before I'm done with medical school. Heck, everyone is probably going to be married by that time. Except for me. Oh well. 7 years is a long time, no matter how you put it. Plus, boys are overrated. Take for example, tonight. I go up to Fulton 3 to say hi to the guys there, and all they do is give me a glance and continue with their video games. Stupid video games. Stupid boys. Waseem actually talked to me for more than a minute, so he gets kudos for that. But then he went off to a frat to drink. So minus 1000 kudos. Back to zero.
I sit here, typing this pathetically lame blog, listening to Guster in hopes that their music can bring me out of this stupidness. I could be studying Chemistry. I could be cleaning my room. I could even be getting a head start on the newsletter for next week.
Not a chance.
Time to read a book. For fun, for once.
Friday, April 01, 2005
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