Tuesday, February 22, 2005

applications galore

We have entered the busy season of job applications, scholarship deadlines, and spring break plans. Or lack of spring break plans. You choose. But in this chaotic time, I have had the opportunity to dine with wonderful people who can keep me grounded. This evening's dinner was a prime example of that. We were sitting with some people who had just come from mass at the Newman Center, and the topic of conversation drifted to the origin of man, and who was really at fault for Original Sin. However, what really got my attention is when we started talking about purity. For instance, in the beginning, Adam and Eve had no idea they were naked. When Adam looked at his new wife, all he saw was a wonderful proclamation of God's love. He had no lust for Eve. In the same way, Eve's only thoughts toward Adam were those of the purest love. One person at our table contended that in the same way, we must lose this fascination with lust, with drawing out the "sexiness" in ourselves to please our husbands/wives. I sat and thought about this. So, every time that we submit to seeing our partner for the attractiveness he/she represents, we resist seeing the Godly love within them. How can we truly love one another when we focus on the physical aspect? Anyways, this is something that is on my mind, and will most likely continue to be for awhile now.

Other things on my mind... Well, I put in my application for a summer job today. SMURF, here I come! And I took a Bio quiz online... I missed one question because of pure stupidity. Oh well.

Time for karate! Love, me

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