Saturday, August 27, 2005

ha HA! back in potato land!

Poop! I'm really bad at this whole "staying on task" thing... I think I attempted to start this post about an hour ago, and I've been distracted by facebook and other wonderful things until now. Anyways, time for an update.

So, I've been in school for almost a week now. 4 days is pretty close to a week. And in those four days, I've gotten an amazing amount of homework already. I have to write a coversheet and some other junk for Sophomore Honors Portfolio class. Spanish comp requires a lot of reading and memorization of South America geography. I would have a lot of stuff to do for anatomy if the textbooks would only come in (which they haven't yet, damn publishers. And Barnes and Noble. I hate them all). OChem is pretty exciting... and I have a quiz already this Tuesday! Yikes! DiffEQ is pretty good, and I only have to write up this homework quiz thing for Wednesday. Comparatively, not so bad.

Things are really getting going. Honors is pretty much in full swing. APO will be starting up this Tuesday, as will Karate AND Emerging Leaders. (Yeah, uh, who decided to move the EL meeting time to Tuesday??!!) Tuesdays are starting to sound ridiculous. what else... I start tutoring at the Math Learning Center this Thursday... NRHH already started... oh, and Hall Gov starts up tomorrow evening. I'm pretty psyched, considering we had about 10 girls volunteer to be wing reps for J3 :) Amazing girls, they are. I'm convinced that J3 is going to be the best it's ever been this year.

Okay, now for more interesting things... so, apparently Stephie is pretty interested in this F3 guy, Ryan... well, more widely known as Opie... and, I've gotta admit, he seems pretty sweet. But you have to watch out for those boys... especially when they are interested in your sis...

I went to this random party last night and saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in a very long time... and the way in which I knew them was entirely unique from person to person, so that was pretty cool. Let's see... Ramsey was there... a guy I knew from EL last year... and another guy I worked on the JFS Quadbecue with. The party itself was particularly unimpressive, especially in how a number of the guys there kept pushing us to buy cups for the keg. Bleh. Not exactly how I imagined my first GF party would turn out ;) Anyways...

Time to make some oatmeal cookies, I think. Girls Night In tonight with loads of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies... a few chick flicks... what could be better? And Karate-Q tomorrow! I'm excited to see how Jordan's pies are, along with the rest of his esteemed cuisine. Update to come (sooner than before, I hope).

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

off we go again

So, there goes another summer. But it's really not "just another" summer. I think this one has been perhaps the fastest summer I've ever experienced... Honestly, I didn't even meet up with my Brainerd cousins... we didn't go on the houseboat trip... didn't go to Canada at all... but... it was still good.

5 o'clock is pretty early... That means I can sleep a max of 4 hours and 20 minutes, if I type this one really fast. And that doesn't account for waking-up-time and eating-breakfast...

Things to remember: laptop, camera, CDs, clothes, toothbrush... and... sanity. I better find that one quick.

It was a good evening :) Thank you to everyone who took part!! Yes, even the whipped-cream demons ;)

Time for bed, and then driving 6 hours to GF!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

seattle, portland... and more

It's been a long time without an update... time to let you all know what I've been doing :)

Flying out first-class was pretty sweet. I'm not going to deny that. Getting free Toblerone and ginormous lounge chairs on a 4 hour flight? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. But flying home and finding out that your chair is completely soaked through with .... something... (we're going to say it was water... that's what I'm hoping) yeah, that's not so awesome. Seriously. If you've got a first class ticket, you'd think that they would take care of something like that a little bit quicker than, say, 30 minutes??? Meanwhile, I'm halfway between standing and squatting, trying to avoid both the low ceilings of the window-seat-area and the wetness of the seat cushion. Ughh...

I climbed to the top of the tallest waterfall in the US! I hope I can get a picture of that up here. Maybe someday.

Umm... there was a lot of shopping... I saw the perfect shirt "Oh him? He's a friend." ;) But someone might get mad at me for wearing it... tee hee

And the most awesome tank top ever... "Made in the '80s" ... ON SALE!! Yes, now I'm going to wear it around everywhere :) Until it gets too cold for it in GF... which is about 4 weeks from now...

Okay, time for bed. I think we're going to Gay 90s tomorrow. And salsa dancing on Monday. After X-rays in the morning... yay! Night!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

flying out

So, this is my last day of work this summer. I'm so glad to be done presenting my projects... it's been a long summer, but yet unbelievably short when I look back on it. Anyways. It's not quite time to get sentimental.

I leave for Washington today right after work... we'll see what kind of experience that is :) I'll have a 2 1/2 hour layover in MSP on both the flight out and flight back... but I am going first class, so I guess it makes it a little less horrible...

Oh yeah! Supposedly some peeps from UND are going to be up in Seattle the same weekend! Totally sweet!!

I have nothing. I'm exhausted from presenting yesterday. I just want to go home, and not have to clean out any more flasks.