Saturday, August 13, 2005

seattle, portland... and more

It's been a long time without an update... time to let you all know what I've been doing :)

Flying out first-class was pretty sweet. I'm not going to deny that. Getting free Toblerone and ginormous lounge chairs on a 4 hour flight? Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. But flying home and finding out that your chair is completely soaked through with .... something... (we're going to say it was water... that's what I'm hoping) yeah, that's not so awesome. Seriously. If you've got a first class ticket, you'd think that they would take care of something like that a little bit quicker than, say, 30 minutes??? Meanwhile, I'm halfway between standing and squatting, trying to avoid both the low ceilings of the window-seat-area and the wetness of the seat cushion. Ughh...

I climbed to the top of the tallest waterfall in the US! I hope I can get a picture of that up here. Maybe someday.

Umm... there was a lot of shopping... I saw the perfect shirt "Oh him? He's a friend." ;) But someone might get mad at me for wearing it... tee hee

And the most awesome tank top ever... "Made in the '80s" ... ON SALE!! Yes, now I'm going to wear it around everywhere :) Until it gets too cold for it in GF... which is about 4 weeks from now...

Okay, time for bed. I think we're going to Gay 90s tomorrow. And salsa dancing on Monday. After X-rays in the morning... yay! Night!

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