Wednesday, August 17, 2005

off we go again

So, there goes another summer. But it's really not "just another" summer. I think this one has been perhaps the fastest summer I've ever experienced... Honestly, I didn't even meet up with my Brainerd cousins... we didn't go on the houseboat trip... didn't go to Canada at all... but... it was still good.

5 o'clock is pretty early... That means I can sleep a max of 4 hours and 20 minutes, if I type this one really fast. And that doesn't account for waking-up-time and eating-breakfast...

Things to remember: laptop, camera, CDs, clothes, toothbrush... and... sanity. I better find that one quick.

It was a good evening :) Thank you to everyone who took part!! Yes, even the whipped-cream demons ;)

Time for bed, and then driving 6 hours to GF!

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