Thursday, October 14, 2004


It is past midnight right now, yet there is no real motivation to be starting that spanish story analysis just yet... or reading "Lies My Teacher Told Me"... crappy, stupid book...

So, the weekend was excellently wonderful. I got the opportunity to hang out with the family (mostly my dad, since my mom was working all weekend, and Steph was never there... like usual...). We made some awesome dinner on Saturday, which was definitely cool, because I never get to cook at the dorms here (unless you think cooking involves putting water on ramen noodles and microwaving for three minutes). Plus, I got to hang out with Lucas, Josiah, and got to see Seth Jacobsen at that one space cadet movie. (neat!)

Monday was poop, due to the fact I put off writing my philosophy paper to the very last moment (yes, it was definitely a 3AM night)... and consequently Tuesday wasn't much better. Today I got asked by Saman to the Honors formal, which is pretty cool. Hanging out with the J3 gang will be the best, though... we could all wear ninja outfits under our dresses, so we can masquerade in the middle of it! :) hehe

Anyways ... I should get to my homework.


Lucas Will said...

Space cadets should forever remember that in the end, it's just the time after today that is sometime in the future.

And according to many spanish speaking students in my speaking spanish class, yes, putting water on ramen noodles and microwaving them for 3 minutes, is definitely, cooking. But there is a definite cooking level difference.

Josiah said...

Homework is dumb, ramen is good, I am awesome, so is Seth. Sky Captain was cool, Monday was very poop, and Tuesday was similarly not much better. Formals are fun, guys are awesome, you wish it was me, and ninjas are dumb.

Lens cap.