Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I need to stop checking facebook every hour. Seriously. I'm beginning to scare even myself.

Bored, bored bored bored bored. And I'm getting a headache. Complain, complain complain complain.

This post is really going nowhere.

I'm getting the feeling that maybe I should stop meeting people. No, I guess not that. But that I should stop getting close to people. It seems that every time I meet someone that I actually connect with, I lose a part of myself. Hear me out.

Throughout this year, I've met a lot of awesome people. And it's amazing getting to know them. But then you go away on vacation, or you don't see them in awhile, and you start to miss them. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't appreciate the friends that make time for me. It's just that every friend I've lost touch with is a reminder of a part of my life wasted... and still, that's not a good way to put it. I'd be fine with missing them, as it's a perfectly normal emotion. I just need to learn to appreciate boredom... being by myself... and enjoying it all without going utterly insane.

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