Saturday, December 24, 2005

pins and needles

My foot is numb... whenever I bump it against the desk, it feels so strange. It's like million nerves sparking to life across all of my toes, even though I'm only bumping my little toe. It's ironic... we spend millions of dollars inventing new devices and take pride in our own design achievements... but in reality, the workings of the human body are infinitely more intricate and mysterious. Small thought of the day.

I'm going to try to keep my post away from boys today... although I already sort of defeated my attempt by mentioning that. Sigh.

Tis the celebrated eve of Jesus's birth. There are other things I could say about that, but maybe I'll have time for philosophising later. We'll see.

I'm tired from staying up until 3:30am... Good fondue party, though :) More on that later.

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