Friday, November 11, 2005

lost in translation

Too many languages. Whenever I go between my OChem, Anatomy, and Spanish classes, it's like I have to switch my brain to translate everything differently... not to mention what happens when I start work at the MLC on Fridays... aahhh!! Well, I didn't work today, so my brain isn't in too much pain right now. Yay for that.

Tonight we're celebrating Russell-kins birthday... maybe a cake will be made. And games involving ping pong balls?? Well, I don't know what that could possibly be.

Things new:
- 0.7 days worth of music in my iTunes
- Knowing what classes I'm taking next semester
- ...yet utter confusion in every other area of my life
- A hole in the Smith basement wall, owing to the amazing ideas of Smith hall gov ;)
- No JFS Dodgeball tourney, since not enough people signed up
- Having any homework done at all in DiffEq (and almost half of it done, at that)
- MACURH pictures
- resolved friendships, new friendships, disturbing dreams about past relationships
- hair color (as of a couple weekends ago, I just never posted about it)

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." Ben Stein

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