Thursday, September 15, 2005

now, now, kiddies

Mmmm... again, I've been too busy to post. Right now I should be working on revising my first spanish composition (el mundo de los suenos), but it will come. I have Anatomy in half an hour anyways, so it's not like I'm going to get any substantial work done. Oh yeah, shoot, this is about the only time I'll be able to do it before class at 12:30. Whatever. It's a good thing I work well under pressure.

Decisions, decisions. I need some input on this. My RA Rhiannon is trying to talk me into becoming an RA for next year. Advantages: get paid to do some of the stuff I do already with hall gov and floor events. Disadvantages: have to actually obey rules (no extension cords, no throwing stuff out windows, no crawling out of windows to get places... j/k, but some of those rules are pretty dumb), have life sucked away by the time I have to spend on duty, have to be a mom/babysitter to 40 girls... Or I could become a Student Ambassador, which is less work (basically just opening weekend stuff and occasional meetings)... And what about housing next year? I'm trying to decide between staying in the dorms in a double-as-a-single, or getting an apartment with some other girls.

How about I talk about something else besides... myself. Would that be okay? Good. I'm a little worried about Stephie again. Apparently she was talking about how she needs to lose more weight when she was at dinner with Waseem yesterday. I don't want to see her go through the same thing she went through last year. I'm tired of it, and it really makes me sad that she can't see herself for the wonderful, beautiful person that she is.

Okay, enough with this. I have some homework to do. Keep it real.

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