Sunday, August 20, 2006

the single life

So it's officially over.

My heart feels a lot like my body looks right now, except the scratches, bruises, and burns are the result of acting like a kid with all of these opening weekend events. The heart is a different story.

I'm going to try to be a lot more realistic this year. No more wishing for perfect endings or perfect beginnings. Taking time to realize when I'm asking too much of others. And letting go... allowing my self expectations to come to a more realistic level as well.

I'm tired.

I'm so damn tired.

I would talk about my frustrations with HOT stuff, but I frankly don't care anymore.

I think I've stopped crying, but there's no way of knowing for sure. I mean... seriously. I lost it in the middle of calling a friend for help with tomorrow's Honors stuff.

Moral of the story: I need something, someone, somewhere that will be constant in my life. Somehow though, I know that I better not find it any time soon.

Welcome to the single life. May it be a change from all that has been before.

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