Tuesday, March 07, 2006

allllrighty then

Ahhh, what a wonderful feeling!!! OChem test was this morning, and although I have no idea how well (or terribly) I did, the fact that it is over and I can focus on other things is the most amazing thing in the world...

Okay, so, it'll feel awesome for at least another 5 minutes. Then I really have to get to work on that Honors paper that's due in 20 minutes. And study for the Spanish test I have at 2... maybe there won't be that many people in the Math Learning Center, so I could study during work... :)

Well, that was fun while it lasted. I've got about 2 more days of stress, and then SPRING BREAK! I'm excited. Ski slopes, here I come.

Time to work on the paper now. The complex interplay of the government, society, and the meat packing industry, whoo!

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