Saturday, January 21, 2006

foot-in-mouth disease

Some days I need to remind myself to just shut my mouth and refrain from saying the things that run through my mind. I was in the crabbiest mood for some reason at breakfast today. I don't know what the deal is. Most days I can totally control myself. I can go a whole day enduring petty criticisms, and then on a day where I have absolutely nothing to complain about, I flip and do something that hurts my best friends' feelings.

Honestly, there's nothing for me to bitch about. It's a Saturday morning, maybe the food isn't that great, but the sun is shining, my hair is clean, I don't have that much homework for the weekend, and last night was great (although we stayed up until 3:30...). I had all this going for me, but when I was criticized at breakfast, I reverted back to animal instincts of fight or flight... HONESTLY! What the hell is wrong with me?? Diarrhea of the mouth strikes again. Too bad I don't have Tourette's to blame it on. J/K.

We'll see how this day turns out...

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