Wednesday, March 30, 2005

through the clearing smoke...

The last 42 hours have been possibly the most stressful that I have experienced in a long time. Not only did I fail to get a good start on my placebo paper Easter weekend, nor have the time to write a 500-word scholarship application, it seems that possibly every aspect of my life is tumbling down. Well, I really shouldn't say that. I had an awesome time with my family this weekend. However, coming back here was a difficult task, due to the fact that I didn't have nearly enough time to reconnect with my family, and that a number of things here have been stressing me out.

Hey, but I have to look on the bright side: I bought a new swimsuit... ON SALE... at wonderful Target :) Can that get me through this week?

The difficult stuff is out of the way. I stayed up until 4:30 this morning finishing my "Mind over Matter: The Placebo Effect and its Applications to Everyday Medicine" paper. Tutoring was nearly fatal, but I did make it through without messing up the kids' concepts of special triangle ratios too horribly (at least, so I think). The application is done and turned in, although technically 5 minutes after the deadline. And now, all I have to do is finish about four sections of Calc 3 homework by Friday and go to a student government banquet tomorrow night. So, stay tuned... by evening tomorrow I should know if I got the scholarship or not.

For now, I'm going to make up for my meager 2 1/2 hour sleep time last night with a full night's rest tonight. Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!

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